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How to make a web framework with python

Part 2

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
In the first part of How to Make a Web Framework with Python, we did:

In this second part, we are going to do:

Let’s dive in!
So, let’s remember our original code in

class HTTPResponse:
  def __init__(self, body, content_type='text/html', HTTP_version='HTTP/1.1', charset='utf-8'):
    self.body = body
    self.content_type = f"{content_type}; charset={charset}"
    self.HTTP_version = HTTP_version
    self.content_length = len(body)

class API:  # or whatever you want
  def __init__(self):
    self.routes = None
  def route(self, route: str):
    def wrapper(app):
      def ignore_favicon(request): # /favicon.ico stands for favorite icon
        return HTTPResponse('')
      if self.routes is None:
        self.routes = {route: app, '/favicon.ico': ignore_favicon}
        self.routes[route] = app
    return wrapper

  def app(self, request, response):
    response("200 OK", [])
    request['CONTENT_TYPE'] = self.routes[request['PATH_INFO']](request).content_type
    request['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = self.routes[request['PATH_INFO']](request).content_length
    request['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] = self.routes[request['PATH_INFO']](request).HTTP_version
    return [bytes(str(self.routes[request['PATH_INFO']](request).body).encode())]
  def runserver(self, host='localhost', port=8000):
    from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
    server = make_server(host, port,
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

Let’s remember the file contents of

from __init__ import API, HTTPResponse
api = API()
def home(request):
  return HTTPResponse(request)

Now, if you run and go to http://localhost:8000, and
you try a nonexistant route, it will raise an exception and exit.
Let’s make our framework handle things gracefully.
Explain first and then do.
So, we are gonna create two functions: one is the default exception handler, and
another is for configuring an exception handler.

class HTTPResponse:
  def __init__(self, body, content_type='text/html', HTTP_version='HTTP/1.1', charset='utf-8'):
    self.body = body
    self.content_type = f"{content_type}; charset={charset}"
    self.HTTP_version = HTTP_version
    self.content_length = len(body)

class API:  # or whatever you want
  def __init__(self):
    self.routes = None
  def route(self, route: str):
    def wrapper(app):
      def ignore_favicon(request): # /favicon.ico stands for favorite icon
        return HTTPResponse('')
      if self.routes is None:
        self.routes = {route: app, '/favicon.ico': ignore_favicon}
        self.routes[route] = app
    return wrapper
  def default_exception_handler(self, request, exception_message):
    return HTTPResponse(f"An exception occured: {str(exception_message)}")
  def configure_exception_handler(self, new_handler):
    self.default_exception_handler = new_handler

  def app(self, request, response):
    response("200 OK", [])
    request['CONTENT_TYPE'] = self.routes[request['PATH_INFO']](request).content_type
    request['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = self.routes[request['PATH_INFO']](request).content_length
    request['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] = self.routes[request['PATH_INFO']](request).HTTP_version
    return [bytes(str(self.routes[request['PATH_INFO']](request).body).encode())]
  def runserver(self, host='localhost', port=8000):
    from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
    server = make_server(host, port,
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

Simple, wasn’t it?
Ok, now let’s actually use it:

class HTTPResponse:
  def __init__(self, body, content_type='text/html', HTTP_version='HTTP/1.1', charset='utf-8'):
    self.body = body
    self.content_type = f"{content_type}; charset={charset}"
    self.HTTP_version = HTTP_version
    self.content_length = len(body)

class API:  # or whatever you want
  def __init__(self):
    self.routes = None
  def route(self, route: str):
    def wrapper(app):
      def ignore_favicon(request): # /favicon.ico stands for favorite icon
        return HTTPResponse('')
      if self.routes is None:
        self.routes = {route: app, '/favicon.ico': ignore_favicon}
        self.routes[route] = app
    return wrapper
  def default_exception_handler(self, request, exception_message):
    return HTTPResponse(f"An exception occured: {exception_message}")
  def configure_exception_handler(self, new_handler):
    self.default_exception_handler = new_handler

  def app(self, request, response):
    response("200 OK", [])
      request['CONTENT_TYPE'] = self.routes[request['PATH_INFO']](request).content_type
      request['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = self.routes[request['PATH_INFO']](request).content_length
      request['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] = self.routes[request['PATH_INFO']](request).HTTP_version
      return [bytes(str(self.routes[request['PATH_INFO']](request).body).encode())]
    except Exception as exception:
      request['CONTENT_TYPE'] = self.default_exception_handler(request, exception).content_type
      request['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = self.default_exception_handler(request, exception).content_length
      request['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] = self.default_exception_handler(request, exception).HTTP_version
      return [bytes(str(self.default_exception_handler(request, exception).body).encode())]
  def runserver(self, host='localhost', port=8000):
    from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
    server = make_server(host, port,
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

Once again, simple. We just did a try-except statement, caught the exception message,
and use default_exception_handler to show the exception page.
Now, here’s an exercise for you:
Add a 404 handler function, a 404 handler configure function, and refractor
app() to catch a 404 not found error (Hint: except KeyError:).
You did it? Ok. Here’s the solution:

class HTTPResponse:
  def __init__(self, body, content_type='text/html', HTTP_version='HTTP/1.1', charset='utf-8'):
    self.body = body
    self.content_type = f"{content_type}; charset={charset}"
    self.HTTP_version = HTTP_version
    self.content_length = len(body)

class API:  # or whatever you want
  def __init__(self):
    self.routes = None
  def route(self, route: str):
    def wrapper(app):
      def ignore_favicon(request): # /favicon.ico stands for favorite icon
        return HTTPResponse('')
      if self.routes is None:
        self.routes = {route: app, '/favicon.ico': ignore_favicon}
        self.routes[route] = app
    return wrapper
  def default_exception_handler(self, request, exception_message):
    return HTTPResponse(f"An exception occured: {exception_message}")
  def configure_exception_handler(self, new_handler):
    self.default_exception_handler = new_handler
  def default_404_handler(self, request):
    return HTTPResponse(f"URL NOT FOUND: {request['PATH_INFO']}")
  def configure_404_handler(self, new_handler):
    self.default_404_handler = new_handler

  def app(self, request, response):
    response("200 OK", [])
      request['CONTENT_TYPE'] = self.routes[request['PATH_INFO']](request).content_type
      request['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = self.routes[request['PATH_INFO']](request).content_length
      request['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] = self.routes[request['PATH_INFO']](request).HTTP_version
      return [bytes(str(self.routes[request['PATH_INFO']](request).body).encode())]
    except KeyError:
      request['CONTENT_TYPE'] = self.default_404_handler(request, exception).content_type
      request['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = self.default_exception_handler(request, exception).content_length
      request['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] = self.default_exception_handler(request, exception).HTTP_version
      return [bytes(str(self.default_exception_handler(request, exception).body).encode())]
    except Exception as exception:
      request['CONTENT_TYPE'] = self.default_404_handler(request).content_type
      request['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = self.default_404_handler(request).content_length
      request['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] = self.default_404_handler(request).HTTP_version
      return [bytes(str(self.default_404_handler(request).body).encode())]
  def runserver(self, host='localhost', port=8000):
    from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
    server = make_server(host, port,
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

And there you have it.
Now, let’s make a router function that’s not a function:

def connect_route(self, route: str):
    def wrapper(app):
      def ignore_favicon(request): # /favicon.ico stands for favorite icon
        return HTTPResponse('')
      if self.routes is None:
        self.routes = {route: app, '/favicon.ico': ignore_favicon}
        self.routes[route] = app
    return wrapper

Hey, isn’t this the same code in route()?
Let’s follow the DRY principle and do this:

def route(self, route: str):
    def wrapper(app):
      self.connect_route(self, route)
    return wrapper

Good job, everyone!


That was an awesome ride, I love it.
In my next post, I’ll probably go into either making a simple Template engine, or a Database class
for data storage.
If you like it, please wait two days for my other blog posts.